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Running for Child Line in Ireland

Just a very quick few words about the marathon in October which I am running and the charity I have chosen to help raise a few quid for - or Euros even.  It is not a requirement of the race to represent a charity like London is, but I have opted to since it is so relevant.  The kids who have a party with us are fortunate to be given a party and not all kids are - but they should be.

My chosen charity is ChildLine in Ireland or the Irish Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children ISPCC. Why the Irish ChildLine you may ask? Well the race is of course in Ireland but my wife and all her family are Irish and my daughter half Irish, so that hopefully is enough.  That aside, I think that it really doesn't matter which country since the point is that if a child is being bullied or worse, it's vital they have knowledge of how to call for help and ChildLine charities in general, in any country, all need support.

So here is the link which will be built into all blogs from now (hopefully!):
